Thursday, February 4, 2016

Download The Walking Dead Season 5 Episodes

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Download The Walking Dead Season 4 Episodes

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Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16

Download The Walking Dead Season 3 Episodes

The third season begins several months after the group had escaped from the farm, and Lori is in the final days of her pregnancy. The group stumbles on a prison swamped by walkers and sets about converting it into their new home. While securing the prison, Hershel is bitten in the ankle by a walker and Rick is forced to amputate his lower leg to prevent further infection. They soon find several surviving inmates who have been trapped in the cafeteria for months. Although mistrustful of them, Rick, Daryl and T-Dog help the inmates clear a separate cell block for them to live in. After the inmates make several attempts on his life, Rick kills inmate Tomas and locks inmate Andrew inside a walker-infested courtyard. Rick's group helps the surviving prisoners — Axel and Oscar — clear a separate cellblock, and exiles them from the group. A walker breakout later splits up the survivors into even smaller groups. Andrew is revealed to have escaped the courtyard that Rick locked him in and is the person responsible for the attacks on the prison. Oscar fatally shoots Andrew in the head and as a result he and Axel are accepted into the group. During the attack T-Dog is bitten in the struggle and sacrifices himself to save Carol, while Lori goes into labor and insists that Maggie perform an emergency Caesarean section to save the baby, suspecting that it will kill her due to the lack of necessary medical equipment and personnel. As a result of the operation, Lori dies, and Carl reluctantly shoots her in the head to prevent her reanimation, as he had promised her he would do. After several days of mourning, Carl and Rick name the baby Judith.
Meanwhile, Andrea and Michonne are taken to Woodbury, a heavily-fortified town. They meet The Governor, the town's leader, and learn that Merle has taken refuge there as well. Michonne is immediately suspicious of The Governor and the settlement so she decides to leave, but Andrea refuses to go with her because she believes it is safe and is infatuated with The Governor. Merle is ordered to hunt down Michonne, but only manages to wound her. He subsequently captures Maggie and Glenn while they are out scavenging. Michonne, who witnesses the abduction, eventually arrives at the prison and then guides Rick, Daryl, and Oscar back to Woodbury on a rescue mission. The team retrieves the couple, but Oscar is killed and Daryl is captured by the townspeople. Michonne investigates The Governor's apartment, where she kills his reanimated daughter Penny (whom he had kept chained in a back room). As a result, he attacks Michonne there, who stabs and blinds him in the eye with a shard of broken glass, then escapes. In the aftermath, The Governor calls an assembly and publicly accuses Merle of treason, reuniting him with Daryl in front of the angry mob and orders the brothers to fight each other. Rick and Maggie come back and rescue them, but after regrouping outside of town, Daryl decides to leave with Merle, as Rick would not allow Merle to rejoin their group.
Back at the prison, Carl meets another band of survivors — led by Tyreese and his sister Sasha — and shelters them. Rick returns, but while he is speaking to the newcomers, Lori appears to him in a hallucination, launching him into a rage and ordering Tyreese's group to leave. The two siblings eventually find sanctuary in Woodbury. The Governor and a small team attack the prison the next day, killing Axel and breaching the outer fence before retreating. Merle and Daryl, having decided to try to rejoin Rick's group, return and help him fight off attacking walkers. Rick and Carl, with Michonne in tow, return to the Grimes' hometown to gather weapons from Rick's sheriff's station. There, Rick finds Morgan again and learns that Duane was killed by his reanimated mother, whom Morgan could not bring himself to kill after she turned. Instead of joining Rick, Morgan chooses to stay behind. After being initially mistrustful of her, Rick and Carl accept Michonne into the group.
Andrea arranges a meeting between Rick and The Governor, who promises to end all hostilities in exchange for Michonne being handed over to him. Secretly, however, he plans to slaughter the prison group anyway. Andrea discovers the plot and attempts to escape back to the prison, but The Governor captures her. Rick tells Merle about the deal and agrees to do the "dirty work" of kidnapping Michonne and handing her over. En route to the meeting point where the Governor is, Merle and Michonne talk, and Merle has a change of heart and releases her. He goes on to foil The Governor's planned ambush and engages in a gun battle with his townspeople; the two men then get into in a violent physical confrontation which is won by The Governor. Daryl then finds Merle reanimated as a walker and is forced to kill his own brother.
The Governor orders his advisor Milton to kill Andrea, but when he refuses, The Governor stabs him and locks him inside a room with Andrea, so that he will bite her after he dies and turns. The Governor then leads his followers on a planned assault on the prison, but Rick's group stages an ambush and repels the attack. When the frightened, retreating Woodbury attackers decide to end their involvement with the assault, the angry Governor fatally shoots all of them except Martinez and Shumpert. Rick, Daryl, and Michonne findKaren — the massacre's only other surviving attacker — who joins them while on their way to Woodbury to finish off The Governor. Karen convinces Tyreese and Sasha to allow the group inside the town when they arrive. They then find Andrea alive but suffering from a bite from the zombified Milton. Andrea uses Rick's revolver to commit suicide with Michonne by her side. The season ends with Rick's group returning to the prison along with the remaining Woodbury survivors, while The Governor's whereabouts remain unknown.

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Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16

Download The Walking Dead Season 2 episodes

The second season begins with Rick and his group of survivors escaping the CDC. They choose Fort
Benning as their next destination. Along the way, they encounter a traffic jam of abandoned vehicles on Interstate 85. The group loots several vehicles, and assumes that all is well until a large herd of walkers approaches and they are forced to disperse and hide under cars. A walker chases Sophia out from her hiding spot and, with another walker, pursues her into the woods. Rick finds her but loses her again after drawing off the walkers. During the group's search for Sophia, a hunter Otis accidentally shoots Carl. To get medical help for Carl, Otis convinces Rick and Shane to bring him to a large, isolated farm owned by veterinarian Hershel Greene, then helps Shane look for medical supplies at the local high school. After finding the supplies, Shane injures his leg and then shoots Otis, leaving him for the walkers so that he can get away. The survivors then move to the farm while Carl recovers, trying to co-exist with Hershel's family, but dangerous secrets and disagreements over leadership cause tensions to rise. Lori is revealed to be pregnant (she is unsure whether Rick or Shane is the father), and Glenn builds a romantic relationship with Maggie, Hershel's elder daughter. Dale and later Rick confront Shane about his selfish actions, including his responsibility for Otis' death. Glenn also discovers then later reveals that the barn is full of walkers, some of whom are Hershel's family members and neighbors. An angry Shane releases the walkers, all of whom are quickly exterminated upon exiting the barn, including Sophia who is reluctantly shot by Rick.

Beth, Hershel's youngest daughter, collapses in shock over the barn incident, which included her face-to-face encounter on the ground with her mother-turned-walker who tried to bite her. Hershel disappears to grieve for his wife and other zombified family and friends killed outside the barn. Rick and Glenn find him drinking at a local tavern, then try to coax him to return to the farm. At the tavern, they meet two other survivors (Dave and Tony). The situation rapidly turns sour, so Rick is forced to kill the two men in a gunfight. The dead men's group quickly finds and opens fire on Rick, Hershel, and Glenn at the bar. The noise attracts a large herd of walkers, forcing all involved to try to flee, but one attacker, Randall Culver, is injured and left behind. Rick opts to take him back to the farm, at the risk that he is likely to reveal the farm's location to his own group. As Rick and the others deliberate about what to do with Randall, a walker bites Dale, forcing Daryl to euthanize him. The group later conducts a search for Randall, whom Shane had secretly released and murdered in the woods. Daryl and Glenn find Randall — as a walker — and kill him. Daryl concludes that Randall died from a broken neck (rather than a walker's bite or scratch) and subsequently reanimated.
Meanwhile, Shane and Rick confront each other — the former having planned the fake search so he could try to murder Rick. Rick gets the upper hand and fatally stabs Shane in the torso. Carl arrives just in time to see Shane reanimate as a walker and shoots him down. The gunshot attracts a large herd of other walkers, who quickly overrun the area. In the ensuing battle and escape, Beth's boyfriend Jimmy and Otis's wife Patricia are devoured, and Andrea is left behind. Andrea survives on her own and is later rescued by ahooded woman carrying a katana sword and accompanied by two chained, armless, jawless walkers. The remaining survivors regroup but are forced to make camp when their vehicles run low on gasoline. Lori at first shuns Rick after learning that he had killed Shane. After hearing of Randall's fate, Rick finally reveals what Jenner had whispered to him at the CDC: every survivor is infected with the walker pathogen and will thus reanimate after death regardless of its cause. Rick also discloses to the rest of the group that he was forced to kill Shane in self-defense. Later that night, the group questions Rick's leadership, but Rick asserts a dictatorship-style ultimatum and solidifies his command of the group. In the final scene, a large prison is shown looming in a pan out.

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Episode 13

The Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 6 "TS-19"


At the outset of the walker outbreak, Shane visits Rick in the hospital. Army personnel are evacuating hospital staff and executing the infected. Shane tries to lift his comatose partner, but hesitates because of all the tubes and wires attached to Rick.
The power goes out and Rick's monitors die. Fearing the worst, Shane puts his ear to Rick's chest.
Shane reluctantly leaves Rick in the room, barricades the door with a hospital bed and flees the chaos.
In the present, Rick and the other survivors file into the CDC lobby. Dr. Jenner meets them at the door.
Jenner agrees to allow them in — provided they all submit to a blood test. Rick agrees, and they follow Jenner to the building's basement control center.
Looking around, Rick questions the absence of other doctors. "I'm all that's left," Jenner replies.
Later, the group feasts in the CDC cafeteria, jovially drinking wine and liquor, jubilant about finding a safe place. Rick toasts Jenner, who quietly raises his glass.
"When are you gonna tell us what the hell happened here?" Shane asks. Jenner explains that most of the doctors fled. The rest, he says, "couldn't face walking out the door. They opted out." Jenner says that he stayed because he hoped to do some good.
Jenner shows the group around the building, directing the children toward the rec room and imploring everyone not to waste electricity.
The survivors luxuriate in hot showers — all except for Shane, who angrily swallows from a bottle of liquor while he bathes; and Andrea, who sits numbly under the stream.
Afterward, Dale overhears Andrea throwing up. "Everything's gone," she cries. Dale argues they have an opportunity to make a fresh start. "Didn't you see the look on Jenner's face?" Andrea says. "There's nothing left."
Rick stumbles drunkenly into the control room, where Jenner is working. Rick thanks Jenner again. He admits to Jenner that he never let on to the others what he really thought, but he knew they were running out of options. "We'd have died out there," Rick explains. "It'll all be OK," Jenner assures.
Lori finds CarlCarol and Sophia lounging in the rec room. Carol takes the children to bed while Lori stays behind to browse the library.
Shane looms in the doorway, whiskey in hand, watching. "I'm going to tell you a few things, and you're gonna listen," he says, closing the door.
Lori tries to push past Shane. "How can you treat me like this?" he asks, insisting that he didn't lie to her about Rick. He really thought Rick was dead, that he hadn't heard a heartbeat when he listened for one at the hospital "and I had y'all to think about."
Drunk and desperate, Shane tries to kiss Lori. He grabs for her, forcing himself on her until Lori scratches his face and throat. Horrified by his own behavior, Shane flees.
Rick stumbles into bed with Lori and sees that she's been crying. "We don't have to be afraid any more," he assures her.
The next morning, Rick shuffles into the cafeteria. Shane follows, claiming he scratched his neck in his sleep. "Never seen you do that before," Rick says. "Not like me at all," Shane agrees, eyeing Lori.
When Jenner arrives, he leads the group to the control center, where he displays brain scans from "Test Subject 19," who was infected and allowed the process to be recorded.
The display shows the virus attacking the brain, which goes dark. Jenner fast-forwards to the "second event" — TS-19's resurrection. "It restarts the brain?" Lori asks. "Just the brainstem," Jenner corrects. "The human part, that doesn't come back."
Jenner admits he doesn't know what the disease is or how to treat it, and that he's lost contact with other facilities.
Dale interrupts the stunned silence to ask Jenner about a clock on the far wall, which is counting down from an hour. At zero, Jenner says, "the basement generators, they run out of fuel."
Rick, Shane, T-Dog and Glenn head to inspect the generators. Upstairs, the building's air cuts off.
In his office, Jenner stares at a photograph of a woman, asking her to understand that he did the best he could and hopes she'd be proud of him.
The panicked survivors confront Jenner, who explains the building is shutting itself down.
"It was the French," Jenner says. They stuck it out the longest before they too ran out of power. The survivors try to flee, but Jenner locks them inside the control center.
There's no point in struggling, Jenner explains. Everything topside is automatically locked down. When the building runs out of power, he continues, it will self-destruct — a "decontamination" protocol to keep dangerous infectious diseases from escaping.
Jenner tries to convince Rick to accept his fate. "Last night you said, you knew it was just a matter of time before everybody you loved was dead," Jenner argues.
Rick demands to know why Jenner stayed if he didn't think there was any hope. "I made a promise," Jenner says, to his wife — Test Subject 19 — to keep going as long as he could. She was one of the finest scientists in the world, if anyone could have done something about this, it was her. "Me?" he admits, "I'm just Edwin Jenner."
Lori tells Jenner they just want their chance to keep going as long as they can. Swayed, Jenner agrees to open the door, but maintains they still won't be able to get past the lockdown upstairs.
"I'm grateful," Rick says. "The day will come when you won't be," Jenner counters. He shakes Rick's hand and pulls him close. Jenner whispers into Rick's ear.
The group heads for the exit, but Jacqui stays behind. "I'm not ending up like Jim and Amy," she tells T-Dog, tearfully telling them to leave while they can. "I'm staying too," Andrea says, sliding to the floor.
Dale pleads with Andrea to leave, but she won't budge.
In the CDC lobby, the group finds the doors locked and pounds helplessly on the windows. Carol fumbles in her purse: "Your first morning at camp," she tells Rick. "When I washed your uniform? I found this in your pocket." She pulls the hand grenade that Rick found in the tank from her bag.
Rick detonates the grenade, blasting out one of the glass windows.
In the basement, a resigned Dale sits in front of Andrea. "If you're staying, I stay too," he tells her. She's furious, but he continues, "You don't get to do that. Come into somebody's life, make them care and then just check out."
The survivors run to the cars. From inside the RV, Lori sees Dale and Andrea emerge from the building.
Jenner and Jacqui hold hands and watch the others evacuate on the security monitor.
The CDC erupts in a fiery explosion. Dale and Andrea rush to the RV. Shaken, Rick starts the engine, and the caravan drives away from the smoldering rubble.

The Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 5 "WILDFIRE"


Rick stares at a sunrise over Atlanta as he tries to reach Morgan on the walkie-talkie. "Atlanta isn't what we thought," he warns. "It belongs to the dead now."
Andrea cradles Amy's body. Nearby, Daryl swings at dead walkers' heads with a pickaxe as Glenn and T-Dog throw bodies in a fire.
Rick, Lori and Shane discuss how to handle Andrea. Amy needs to be dealt with, Shane says — "the same as the others." Rick tries to approach Andrea but she pulls a gun on him. "I know how the safety works," she tells Rick, who backs off.
Morales and Daryl meanwhile drag the body of a dead camper toward the fire, but Glenn stops them. "We don't burn" our people, Glenn screams. "We bury them."
Jacqui and Jim pile up bodies. Jacqui notices blood on Jim's shirt. "A walker bit Jim," she announces. Jim lifts his shirt, revealing a deep wound.
"I say we put a pickaxe in his dead," Daryl offers. Rick thinks the CDC might be able to help Jim, and suggests relocating there. Shane thinks the Army base in Fort Benning — 100 miles in the opposite direction — is a safer bet.
Daryl heads toward Jim with his pickaxe and tries to take a swing. Rick points his gun at Daryl's head. "We don't kill the living," Rick says.
Dale sits beside Andrea. He tells her about his wife's battle with cancer, how he dragged her to every specialist even though she'd accepted her fate. Her death left him feeling angry and cheated. "Since she passed," he says, "you girls were the first people that I cared anything for."
Andrea pulls out the mermaid necklace and wraps it around Amy's neck. She tells Dale how guilty she feels for having missed so many of Amy's birthdays.
Nearby, Daryl continues to swing the pickaxe into dead walkers' skulls. When he gets to Ed, Carol stops him. "He's my husband," she says, taking the pickaxe. Sobbing, she swings it down on his head repeatedly.
On the ground, Amy begins to stir. She opens her eyes and reaches for Andrea. Her eyes are bloodshot and she moans and paws at the air. She's a walker now. "I'm sorry for not ever being there," Andrea sobs. She shoots Amy in the head.
Rick and Shane dig graves near the campsite. "If you'd been here looking after your own," Shane tells Rick, "our losses might not have been so bad." Rick counters that without the guns he brought back, the losses might have been worse.
The survivors stage a funeral. "Are we safe now dad?" Carl asks Rick afterward. "I won't leave again," Rick promises.
Privately, Rick asks Lori if she blames him for not being there when the camp was attacked, and to support his decision to head for the CDC. She doesn't blame him exactly — not like Shane does — but she doesn't know if she can follow him to the CDC on blind faith.
"Tell me something with certainty," Lori says. "I love you," Rick replies. "That's all I got."
In the RV, Rick tells a feverish Jim they're going to get him help, but Jim is delirious.
Outside, Shane asks Lori to convince Rick the CDC is a bad decision, cautioning her about choosing her marriage over peoples' safety. "I think folks around here can make up their minds without bringing my marriage into it," Lori says.
When Rick emerges, Lori announces that they should follow Rick's plan.
Rick, Shane and Dale depart to sweep the forest for walkers. Alone, Shane tries to convince Rick to change his mind. "I've gotta do what's best for my family," Rick says, "If it was your family you'd feel differently." "I kept them safe," Shane snaps at Rick. "Looked out for them like they were my own."
A sound draws Rick away. From a distance, Shane's aim lands on Rick. Glaring, he drops the gun, then notices Dale watching him. "Jesus," whispers Dale.
Back at camp, Shane announces that he thinks they should trust Rick's instincts and those that agree will be leaving for the CDC in the morning.
At dawn, Rick tries to reach Morgan to advise him of their plan.
Morales announces that his family will not be joining the group. "I gotta do what's best for my family," he says. Rick hands Morales a gun, and they part ways.
En route to the CDC, the RV's radiator hose bursts. While Shane and T-Dog drive ahead to find a replacement, Rick checks on Jim, who is in agony. "Leave me here," Jim says. Rick suggests he's delirious, but Jim insists his head is clear: "I want to be with my family," he says.
Outside, Dale advocates respecting Jim's wishes. Lori agrees, and the group carries Jim to a nearby tree. "Thanks for fightin' for us," Dale tells Jim as the group departs.
Elsewhere, a video monitor crackles to life. An unshaven man, Dr. Jenner, speaks into the camera. "It's day 194 since Wildfire was declared," he says. "There is no clinical progress to report."
In a biohazard suit, Jenner passes through an airlock into a laboratory. He opens a tissue sample labeled TS-19 and begins an experiment.
Reaching for a beaker, he accidentally knocks corrosive fluid on the tissue. An alarm sounds as Jenner runs to a decontamination chamber and disrobes. From the safety of the airlock, Jenner watches helplessly as the lab, and all of the remaining TS-19 samples, are engulfed in flames — an automatic safety protocol.
Later, a drunken Jenner speaks into the monitor: "The TS-19 samples are gone," he laments, musing that he might kill himself in the morning.
Rick's caravan approaches the CDC, where hundreds of bodies lay dead on the ground. The group quietly approaches the building, which is locked and shuttered.
Inside the CDC, Jenner's proximity alarm sounds. Stunned, he watches the group's approach via a security monitor.
Outside, walkers begin to take notice of the survivors. Panicking, Shane suggests heading for Fort Benning. Lori points out they're out of gas, and would never make it.
Rick catches sight of the security camera's movement and slams on the shutters, screaming, "If you don't let us in, you're killing us!"
Rick continues to scream as Shane drags him away. Suddenly the shutters open, drowning the survivors in light.